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What are herbal energetics and how is this concept used in traditional and western herbalism?
Coming Soon...What is Herbal Synergy?
What is the difference between extracts, whole plant and herbal formulation? We will be breaking down each of these concepts and their uses, as well as the way synergy can be seen throughout Algonquin tradition.
Coming Soon... Spotlight on Chamomile
Where did chamomile get its name? What are it's key constituents and energetics? From white petals to delicate roots let us break down the chamomile plant and discover all it has to offer.
Coming Soon... Herbalism and Spirituality
What are some simple yet impactful ways you can start to incorporate your spiritual beliefs into your herbalism practice?
Coming Soon...Fresh or Dried?
What is the difference between fresh and dried herbs? Is one better than the other? In this post, we will discuss the differences in measurement, volatile oil content and the longevity of preparations.
Coming Soon...Spotlight on Ginger
It feels as though ginger is everywhere these days. We see it in cough drops and motion sickness preventatives to name some. With this herbs versatility it is no wonder its gained so much popularity in the mainstream but why? In this post we talk about gingers plentiful uses throughout history and different cultures.